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Retour sur Vivatech x PERF’ACTOR

Retour sur Vivatech x PERF’ACTOR

Perfactor a eu le plaisir de participer au salon Vivatech 2019 du 16 au 18 mai et de se mêler à la crème des entreprises tech françaises. Nous avons réalisé une vidéo pour vous donner un aperçu de cette expérience inoubliable :C'est aussi l’occasion pour l’équipe...

Feedback on Vivatech x PERF’ACTOR

Feedback on Vivatech x PERF’ACTOR

Perfactor had the pleasure of participating in Vivatech 2019 from May 16 to 18 and meddling in the best of French tech companies. We made a video to give you an overview of this unforgettable experience :It was also an opportunity for the Perfactor team to present its...

Are your customers valuable ?

Here's an infographic that suggests 6 things that show your customers are valuable. Most companies naturally want to have customers as profitable as possible, to ensure a high-performance ratio of their margin. Applying to all businesses, this infographic evokes the...

Du contrôle de gestion à l’open controlling

Du contrôle de gestion à l’open controlling

La fonction finance connaît à l’heure actuelle une profonde mutation, l'open controlling en fait partie.  Pour relever les défis actuels, elle doit opérer un changement à 360° et passer d’une position d’opposition à une mission de promotion de l’innovation.  Ce défi...

From management control to open controlling

The finance function is undergoing a profound transformation, open controlling is one of them.  To meet the current challenges, it must make a 360-degree change from an opposition position to a mission to promote innovation.  This challenge is for both a corporate CFO...

Small companies, dare management control !

Small companies, dare management control !

Management control is a key function for companies. Its mission is to analyze the business model of the company, in order to predict its profitability and to carry out corrective actions in order to optimize the overall performance of the company. You don't have the...

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